2155 E Warner Rd Tempe Arizona 85284

What is at 2155 E Warner Rd Tempe Arizona 85284?

2155 E Warner rd Tempe Arizona 85284

2155 E Warner Rd, Tempe, Arizona 85284, USA is the address of GoDaddy Inc., a company that provides domain registration and web hosting services. GoDaddy recently moved its headquarters from Scottsdale to Tempe in July 2021, joining a growing mix of technology companies in the southeast Valley.

The company employs over 3,000 people in Arizona and has a global workforce of nearly 10,000. GoDaddy also has an office in Gilbert, where some of its employees work part-time or remotely.

Other tech companies in Tempe

There are many technology companies in 2155 E Warner Rd, Tempe, Arizona, that offer services in cryptocurrencies. But many offer a variety of other services and products. Some of them are:

  • J-Curve Technologies: This company provides value-add outsourced technical support, customer support services and professional services to help improve the performance, efficiency and profitability of cloud communication and hosted companies since 2006.
  • Amkor Technology Inc: This company is one of the world’s largest providers of outsourced (OSAT) semiconductor packaging, design, and test services. It has over 30,000 employees worldwide and serves customers in the automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial and medical markets.
  • Persefoni: This company is the leading Climate Management & Accounting Platform (CMAP). The company’s Software-as-a-Service solutions enable enterprises and financial institutions to meet stakeholder and regulatory climate disclosure requirements with the highest degrees of trust, transparency, and ease.
  • LifeGuides, PBC: This company is a human-centered service that helps employee families thrive. It offers the broadest range of Life Guidance Services™ to support employee families with their personal growth objectives, or help them navigate difficult Life Challenges. It matches members with trained and certified Guides who have successfully navigated the same personal growth or Life Challenge event that they face now.
  • Hownd: This company is a digital marketing platform that helps local businesses generate more foot traffic. It uses machine learning to create personalized offers and promotions for consumers based on their preferences and behavior. It also integrates with point-of-sale systems and loyalty programs to track and reward customer visits.

The move to 2155 E Warner Rd, Tempe, Arizona 85284

The move to 2155 E Warner Rd, Tempe was a long-term plan that started in 2013. That is when GoDaddy first broke ground in the ASU Research Park. The company decided to move from Scottsdale to Tempe to join a growing mix of technology companies in the southeast Valley.

2155 E Warner Rd, Tempe offers several benefits for large employers. Such as the main campus of ASU, Tempe Town Lake, proximity to Sky Harbor Airport and major freeways.

The Hub-Club-Home solution

The move was also motivated by a desire to allow employees more work flexibility and remote options, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.

GoDaddy adopted a “Hub-Club-Home” model, where some employees work full-time in an office (the hub), some work part of the week in an office (the club) and others work exclusively from home. The company said it will use its offices less but with more intentionality. That is to meet, collaborate and connect with one another.

New headquarters

The new headquarters in 2155 E Warner Rd, Tempe features a variety of amenities and facilities for its employees and visitors. Some of them are:

  • A subsidized café that offers a range of food choices.
  • An onsite gym, soccer field, volleyball court and skatepark for fitness and recreation.
  • A large auditorium that can host events and presentations.
  • A spacious lobby that showcases GoDaddy’s products and services.
  • A colorful and modern design that reflects GoDaddy’s brand and culture.

Find it on the map

If you need directions to 2155 E Warner Rd, Tempe, Arizona 85284 you can use this direct link to Google Maps. If you prefer a more analogue way you have a map to the same address down below.